четвер, 14 травня 2009 р.

Quiet artist

For "Ukrainian Magazine" (Український журнал.) - 2009. - № 4. - P. 52-53.

The article is about Alevtina Kakhidze, Ukrainian artist who got Malevich Art Prize last year. I analize the strategy of very prize, why it was given to Alevtina and conceptualize her main projects.

More in Ukrainian + discussion: http://zumka.livejournal.com/275423.html

More about Alevtina in English:

Translations from her KRAM (critique of actual art) on-line project: http://www.indexfoundation.se/upload/pdf_uselessreading.pdf

Place and form

Tamara Zlobina for PROstory.net.ua

I wrote about Lada Nakonechna "Place" action in Kyiv CCA at March 3.
As for me, artist didn't fulfil well her interesting idea about value of work/artistic work and interconnections between work of art and it's context.

more in Ukrainian: http://prostory.net.ua/ua/art/7-art/197-2009-04-15-20-08-40

понеділок, 6 квітня 2009 р.

Females and Ovipositions


Grycja Erde

In this series of oil paintings I examine stereotypes of femininity in contemporary Ukraine. Well known images of Eve, The Virgin Mary, Helen of Troy, and of Kateryna, the heroine of the emblematic Taras Shevchenko’s poem, along with the glamorous “cover stars” serve as role models for the socialization of Ukrainian girls. Women should be nice, spiritual and beautiful. These repressive stereotypes don’t reflect the diversity of choices for women in contemporary society. Real women can be ugly, fat, bald and nevertheless – interesting and charming individuals. As a project, curated by Tamara Zlobina in 2007, “Females and Ovipositions” was exhibited in a few Ukrainian cities (Kyiv, Lviv, Kharkiv, Ivano-Frankivsk) and elicited different responses and opinions. The most remarkable of which occurred in the provincial town of Drogobych (Western Ukraine). My exhibition was prohibited by local authorities because of an outrage against public morality and Christianity. Drogobych moralists proved that women in Ukraine can be naked (and almost are on TV and in advertising) – but only if their nudity is aesthetically pleasing.

пʼятниця, 20 березня 2009 р.


For "Ukrainian Magazine" (Український журнал.) - 2009. - № 3. - P. 52-53.

The article is about two project's - REP group's "Patriotism. Art as present" and SOSka's "Dreamers"

Both groups of young artists are quite famous and critically minded. They made really good projects for PinchukArtCenter.
The reaction of public was symptomatic, as for me - very naive. Everyone liked the form of exhibitions. But critical messages about the role and functioning of art in post soviet context (REP) and modern hero – disoriented teenager (SOSka) weren't understood clearly even by critics.

p.s. the message of pictogram picture above (from REP's Patriotism) is: State (flag) finance (purse) and take care (hand+comb) also supervise (hand+camera) art (brushes).

четвер, 12 лютого 2009 р.

Shut up woman! Your day is March 8!

Very good illustration to the popular joke about March 8 from Elena Mirosedina - the artist of Feminism is... project.

понеділок, 9 лютого 2009 р.

Feminist actions on the eve of March 8, Ukraine

March 8 is extremely popular holiday in Ukraine but not as International Woman's Day in it's emancipative and political meaning, but as depoliticized or over-politicized by post-soviet patriarchy Day of Tenderness. The best description to it's real meaning in Ukraine (and all post-soviet countries as well) is popular joke "Silence woman! Your day is March 8!".

1. Preventive action.
To avoid congratulations like "Our dear women! You are so sweet and tender! You are the decoration of our life! In this day - March 8, the day of beauty, spring and tenderness, we wish you to be loved mothers, sisters and wifes!" and so on, Ukrainian feminist activists proposed "forced enlightment" of officials who often reproduce these and other essentialist stereotypes about the role of woman in society. Activists propose to send letter with information about real meaning of the holiday to all possible greetings-maker.
More information in Ukrainian: http://community.livejournal.com/feminism_ua/434002.html.

2. The best feminist March 8 poster contest (in Russian): http://community.livejournal.com/feminism_ua/432350.html

субота, 7 лютого 2009 р.

I'm trying to develop Feminism is... project

Feminism is... project was created by activist Tamara Zlobina and artist Elena Mirosedina in Ukraine. It is based on popular series of comics from 90s - Love is..., and consists of 20 "lipstick feminism" pictures about different topics (fun as well as serious). We have just Ukrainian-language blog feminism-is.livejournal.com/ now. So I'm going to do special web page (Ua-En) and dozens of shops on cafepress.com to further dissemination of pics and ideas.

The first one is done - http://www.cafepress.com/feminismis1. It is dedicated to right of choice: "Feminism is... deciding when to give birth".

Would you buy something like this? And what do you think about?

середа, 4 лютого 2009 р.

Light from inside

For "Ukrainian Magazine" (Український журнал.) - 2009. - № 2. - P. 50.

The article about "And soul and mind and body" project in the Center for Contemporary Art, Kyiv, December 2008.

It was the last project of the Center - CCA in Kyiv was closed.

Curator Jerzhy Onuch selected two very enigmatic artists - Miroslaw Maszlanko (Poland) and Olena Turianska (Ukraine) who work with old and meditative materials (paper and cane) creating compositions of paper cutting multiplied with light and shadows (Turianska) or something like braided walls (Maszlanko). Their works look extremely aesthetical and beautiful but it isn't utilitarian type of beauty. It is rather universal replica about beauty as such. And, of course, it isn't just about beauty...

More in Ukrainian, and photos: http://zumka.livejournal.com/266734.html

вівторок, 3 лютого 2009 р.

I published the article in "Obrazotvorche mystectvo" (Fine Art) 4, 2008

Title: "Graphic Art by Touch"

This is really old-fashioned magazine of National Artists Union. "Old-fashioned" doesn't mean realistic or soc-realism - everything very modern there. But still, my article looks quite strange. The article is about "Book lunch" project realized in February 2008 in the Center for Contemporary Art, Kyiv, by Alevtyna Kakhidze and Kateryna Svirgunenko (organizers, curators). They invited 40 local artists to present "artist's books". So I describe and analyze a little bit this event.

Few photos and the article are accsesible on my Ukrainian-language blog: http://zumka.livejournal.com/266225.html

неділя, 1 лютого 2009 р.

Market against art. Who will win?

December 29, 2008 GKU Progect group (young Ukrainian artists, more info at http://notforsale.com.ua/page/about/ , in Ukrainian) presented project "Not for Sale" in "Bilshovyk" shopping-moll in Kyiv, one of the biggest shoping-molls in Ukraine. Their intention was to critique consumption sosiety in the temple of consupmtion.

But at December 30, managers of shopping-moll refused to publish names and titles on art-works and decided to use it like ordinary New Year's decoration. They also didn't pay fees to authors and curators, becouse they "don't like art-works and want artists to improve it".

Artists still can't take their works back.

Market showed big teeth! The irony of situation is that "Bilshovyk" (title of shoping-moll) means Bolshevik, communist. The moll was organized in buildings of previous big soviet plant "Bilshovyk" and uses communist symbols enourmosly (like red stars and "shopping Lenin").