субота, 7 лютого 2009 р.

I'm trying to develop Feminism is... project

Feminism is... project was created by activist Tamara Zlobina and artist Elena Mirosedina in Ukraine. It is based on popular series of comics from 90s - Love is..., and consists of 20 "lipstick feminism" pictures about different topics (fun as well as serious). We have just Ukrainian-language blog feminism-is.livejournal.com/ now. So I'm going to do special web page (Ua-En) and dozens of shops on cafepress.com to further dissemination of pics and ideas.

The first one is done - http://www.cafepress.com/feminismis1. It is dedicated to right of choice: "Feminism is... deciding when to give birth".

Would you buy something like this? And what do you think about?

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