пʼятниця, 20 березня 2009 р.


For "Ukrainian Magazine" (Український журнал.) - 2009. - № 3. - P. 52-53.

The article is about two project's - REP group's "Patriotism. Art as present" and SOSka's "Dreamers"

Both groups of young artists are quite famous and critically minded. They made really good projects for PinchukArtCenter.
The reaction of public was symptomatic, as for me - very naive. Everyone liked the form of exhibitions. But critical messages about the role and functioning of art in post soviet context (REP) and modern hero – disoriented teenager (SOSka) weren't understood clearly even by critics.

p.s. the message of pictogram picture above (from REP's Patriotism) is: State (flag) finance (purse) and take care (hand+comb) also supervise (hand+camera) art (brushes).

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